Make no mistake, Sally Roesch Wagner is a force to be reckoned with. Her wonderfully rich voice and her crystal-clear articulation tells you she does not suffer fools gladly. You know immediately as your interview beings that Sally Roesch Wagner is not to be trifled with. Yet, even through a heartless digital connection, you cannot help but feel this scholarly voice on women’s studies does have a terrific sense of humor. So, it is with humility and pride to be able to share our conversation with the author of The Women’s Suffrage Movement. The story of women’s suffrage has been told in the same fashion for 100 years: it is familiar, repetitive, and overwhelmingly white. But never before have the most influential writings, speeches, and reportage been collected in one place, with an emphasis on the unsung heroes that shaped and established the movement. In The Women’s Suffrage Movement, Sally Roesch Wagner has complied and edited a comprehensive and intersectional anthology. Complete with a forward by Gloria Steinem, this is an essential read as we head toward the 2020 centennial of the 19th amendment. We are truly honored to welcome esteemed scholar, Sally Roesch Wagner to Life Elsewhere.
The Podcast is available at NPR One, Apple Podcasts & Mixcloud
Sundays 12 noon ET at The Source WMNF HD3
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