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News and Public Affairs
Talk Back Town Hall with Billy Townsend
Shelley and guest commenter Lakeland’s civic journalist, Billy Townsend opened the phone lines and held a Talk Back Town Hall, letting our listeners guide our discussion on State Politics, DeSantis’ cronyism and grifting, Richard Corcoran’s “bust out” job on New College, Polk County, and more..
Florida officials contradict CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 vaccines again
Listen: Florida officials are issuing conflicting statements with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about COVID-19 vaccines. The Florida Department of Health has advised against using mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, but that direction goes against what the CDC recommends. Dr. Edwin Michael is a professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida. He said…
How to find joy in a capitalist hellscape with Elsie Gilmore
Anni and Tanja discuss the upcoming book How to Find Joy in a Capitalist Hellscape with author Elsie Gilmore.