Americans for Contraception brought a 20-foot, inflatable IUD to Lykes Gaslight Park in downtown Tampa Friday. The ‘IUD Express’ tour promotes access to reproductive healthcare, following a decision by Senate Republicans to block a bill that protects access to contraception.
Among the speakers were U.S. Representative Kathy Castor and State Representatives Lindsay Cross and Susan Valdes.
Laura Packard, founder of Health Care Voices, spoke at the event.
“Too many people don’t know what’s at stake and they might not know their legislators voted on this.”
Attendees spoke about the importance of access to reproductive healthcare to diverse populations of women, including those in smaller cities who do not have access to a local Planned Parenthood site, women of lower economic status, and older women.
Jennifer Moore is the regional treasurer for the Democratic Women’s Club of Southeast Hillsborough County.
“We need to do more for these people, our women, our sisters.”
The tour has also made stops in other cities including Orlando, and Miami.
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