A bill heard in the Senate will ensure that Governor DeSantis will be legally allowed to run for president if he chooses to.
The bill ensures that a public official can run for President or Vice President while serving their term. The bill is sponsored by Senator Travis Hutson.
“If you’re running for president or vice president, some of the highest office in the land, you do not need to resign. That’s the way I see it as current law is written, but the clarification is in this delete-all”
This comes as Governor Ron DeSantis is widely expected to run for president. He has recently been traveling both nationally and internationally and is currently in Japan during this legislative session.
Democratic Senator Shev Jones questioned the bill’s sponsor.
“Do you believe an individual who is running for a higher office, especially someone whose running for president, also who runs a state of 23 million people, can do both jobs at the same time – even considering the fact that there things that have gone or and is going neglected right now as our administrator is not here in state?”
“Appreciate the question, and yes I do and others that are governors in the past, of other states as well, not just ours, have ran for president and been able to be a governor of their state.” Huston responded.
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