Pinellas County elementary school programs to get a makeover
A program called Summer Bridge will de-prioritize unlimited enrollment and summer field trips, according to the Tampa Bay Times. Superintendent Keven Hendrick said the district will now point its limited funds to initiatives to boost kids’ reading and writing skills.
TikTok is back after going dark
TikTok, the social media app with 170 million U.S. users, is back after a brief dark period on Sunday. The app closed for about 12 hours, after which TikTokers saw a message thanking them for their “patience and support” and “As a result of President Trump’s efforts, TikTok is back in the U.S.”
Tampa grows bike network as Green Spine expands
The Green Spine currently begins at Cass Street and North Rome Avenue and runs through the downtown core and on through Ybor City into East Tampa. The next phases will bring the Green Spine north, up Nuccio Parkway and N. 15th Street to Cuscaden Park at East 21st Avenue.
John Lennon’s girlfriend to display photos this weekend
In the years 1973 through 1975, John Lennon was estranged from Yoko Ono and lived in Los Angeles. WMNF’s Seán Kinane reports that Lennon’s girlfriend from that period is in Florida exhibiting her photographs of their time together.
Cold weather in the region continues
Gloomy conditions in Central and South Florida will continue today. It’s from the same storm that produced historic snowfall over the Panhandle.
Lawmaker wants to reverse school start time changes
One state senator wants to reverse course on school start time rules that would take effect next year.
The legislature imposed rules two years ago requiring middle schools begin classes no earlier than 8 a.m. and high schools no earlier than 8:30 a.m.
The Scoop: Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF
The Scoop producer Victoria Heath
WMNF anchors Chris Young, Lisa Marzilli, Meghan Bowman, Seán Kinane
WMNF News Director Seán Kinane
WMNF reporters Chris Young, Meghan Bowman
Special thanks to Taylor Lovejoy and Corey Beltran
Theme music, Fresh06, by Stian via archive.org – CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5
The Scoop logo by Robin Milcowitz / Greener Pixels / greenerpixels.com /
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