WMNF held its Volunteer Party on Sunday, and we celebrated the generous people that make the station happen.
We love all of our volunteers, and like to recognize that some people come in and give a little extra. Here are the volunteers that got some special recognition:
Administrative Volunteer of the Year Charlie Cushing The Rock Award
Administrative Recognition Joanna Kellogg
Special Administration Award Val Llewellyn
Vicki Santa Development Volunteer of the Year John Francis
Membership Volunteer of the Year Gail Carroll
Dave Roosa Special Events Volunteer of the Year Jan Simpson
Special Events Recognition John Mazzello
Desk Goddess of the Year Deborah LeMonde
Special Desk Recognition Gabrielle Ayala, Angelica Diaz, Anne Haywood, & Laura Lorenzen
Volunteering/Outreach Volunteers of the Year Alaine Procko-Oliveri, Suzie Schonder, & Pamela Robinson
New Volunteering Volunteer of the Year Phylisha Moore
Operations Volunteer of the Year Jan Simpson
Nathan B. Stubblefield Foundation Board Member of the Year Laura Keane
News & Public Affairs Show Volunteer of the Year Janelle Irwin – Midpoint Friday
News & Public Affairs Recognition Robin Milcowicz, James Rossi, & Sam Johnson
Overnight Programmer of the Year Ira Hankin
Music Programmer of the Year Flea (Lee Courtney)
New Programmer of the Year Scott Hopkins
Program Assistant of the Year Rich Gonzalez (Mo Blues Monday)
New Volunteer of the Year James Lyles
Volunteer of the Year Patty Perkey
Lifetime Achievement Sid Flannery
We also sang a song written especially for Ray Villadonga aka RayZilla, host of Step Outside. Rob Constable, my hero, took Ray’s words and put them to the tune of ‘A Day in the Life’
And here are some pictures from the party:

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