Women’s Show 11/23 Happy Thanksgiving!

Photo by Dianne Rosete/cc 2.0 license

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday – good food, good friends and family, some time to enjoy doing the things you most enjoy….

Whatever you do, try to renew your sense of joy and hope.  Take this time to ground yourself and reaffirm your core beliefs.  To quote Bjork, “If optimism ever was like an emergency, it is now.  Instead of moaning and becoming really angry or discouraged, we need to actually come up with suggestions of what the world we want to live in, in the future, could be.”  Her latest album is Utopia.  “Utopia has gone from everything being monasteries to feminist islands from Octavia E. Butler to Peach Blossom Spring…”  Sounds good to me.

On this Thanksgiving holiday, we won’t focus on politics or issues per se. Let’s try to chill in an ambience of soft reflection.  Music and poetry, some stories and reflections. Let your inner spirit be your guide. No recipes!

Again, enjoy, recharge your spiritual center and dream of the world you want to see.

Again, thanks for your support!

Mary and Arlene


Note:  Please check the judges that are being nominated and confirmed for life time appointments.  Contact your senators.

            Watch the tax reform proposals.  It is a bad deal for all of us.  Contact your senators and representatives.


Photo Credit: Dianne Rosete

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