
from a woman’s POV

Women’s Show 3/29 What Is It about the Guns in American Culture? Dr. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz – The 2nd Amendment

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of guns” –Thomas Jefferson  To excerpt the end of Gary Wills essay after the Orlando Pulse Mass Killing,  “Everyone knows we are not going to do a...

Women’s Show 3/22 March for Our Lives Tampa Bay & “The Union Maid”

#NeverAgain….. #Marchforourlives….   When you went to school, were your biggest concerns grades, tests, friends, the prom?  Did you ever worry that you might not go home again?  After Sandy Hook didn’t you think, “Never...

Women’s Show 3/15: Tanja Vidovic, Medea Benjamin & Linda Gunter Discuss Necessary Changes

#Never again….. It has been inspiring today to see the number of school children that walked out in honor of the 17 murdered in Parkland.  I only hope that the compassion, commitment and articulate expression...

Women’s Show 3/8 Happy International Women’s Day

A moment, if you will, to reflect, not only on women, but on the human race – its ongoing efforts to manifest and truly be human. It might seem ironic that women who have birthed...

Women’s Show 3/1 The NRA Battles On

The NRA battles on, taking on all comers including Business SEO – articulate grieving students, parents, doctors, educators, probably even the family dogs.  And the NRA has spoken – let there be school marshals, arm...

Women’s Show 2/22- Who Protects the Children?

The harder I run, the more I seem to barely stay in place…….. The Olympics are going on.  We see the pomp and circumstance and the extraordinary achievements of these young world class athletes.  If...

Women’s Show 2/15 Winter Fund Drive and Medea Benjamin on Recent Trip to Palestine and Updates from Florida Legislature

If you have not contributed to this campaign, please make your donation tomorrow! Thanks to all who contributed to WMNF during this Winter Fund Drive – especially those who donated during From a Woman’s Point...

Women’s Show 2/8 Winter Fund Drive – YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SHINE. Clips from some of your Favorite Guests

Tomorrow we need to hear from you! You hear from us every week bringing you information, guests, critical topics.  From a Woman’s Point of View is a unique show.  It is the only program in...

Women’s Show-Winter Fund Drive

We want to thank you for your support of From a Woman’s Point of View during past fund drives. This Thursday we will be doing our part to keep WMNF on the air.  Tune in...

Women’s Show 2/1 ~ Health Care and Gymnastics: the Testimony of Survivors

The State of the Union has come and gone – thank heavens! Tell me, did you know what condition your condition is in?   It looks like you’d better. The big money guys – Jeff Bezos,...

Women’s Show Recap-1/25

We had fun chatting today with Lisa Perry, Lakeisha Black and Toni Van Pelt (not pictured) about the women’s marches and rallies that happened this past week. If you missed the show you can still...

Women’s Show 1/25 Toni Van Pelt, Lisa Perry and Lakeisha Black and Dr. Lynn Ringenberg

That was the week that was!  Somehow the more things are changing, the more they are staying the same… Weren’t we supposed to have a budget in October?….then November…then December…a line in the sand, January. ...
Postmodern Hootenanny
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