

Tropical Heatwave, SXSW, and the Survival of the Fittest Fest

by Laura Keane & JoEllen Schilke WMNF’s Tropical Heatwave heads into its 35th circle around the sun, with a few major changes planned. The Cuban Club, looking to become a player in mid-size concert venues,...

Unlikely Bookends: AMFMS and PRW BTTM at SXSW

On the surface, there may not seem to be many – even any – similarities between AMFMS and PWR BTTM, other than all-cap monikers and a penchant for the loudest of guitars. Fronting AMFMS is...

The Musical Distraction Edition At Life Elsewhere

The run-up to the General Election bounces from unfathomable to unbelievable. No matter what your pedigree is in observing political discourse, it’s safe to say, you have never witnessed anything like the current pre-election bedlam....

Of Casios & Keyboards at SXSW 2016

Keyboards ruled SXSW this year, and only some of them were attached to computers. WMNF music correspondent Laura Keane weighs in on magical keyboard moments.

WMNF & SXSW – Keep Austin Weird

While locals bemoan the bleaching of Austin’s personality, there is still a ton of color here. Nature supplies a surfeit of blossoms, and the denizens and visitors fill the rest in. Thousands of people swan...

American Character & The Presidential Race

It really is difficult to escape the fact that we are living in very strange times, the Presidential race becomes more bizarre as every moment passes. In the next edition of Life Elsewhere we explore...

How Did Penis Size Become More Important Than Climate Change In The Presidential Race?

Robert Hunziker is not happy. He wakes up at night in a cold sweat. Robert Hunziker is a freelance writer and environmental journalist who insists that the next Presidential election will be the most important...

International Women’s Day on Morning Energy

International Women’s Day is Coming up in a few days….This is a time when we celebrate the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women.  On Morning Energy…we will be doing our part to acknowledge...

Doctors without Borders: Neutral & Impartial On Life Elsewhere

“Our patients come to us with rat and other vermin bites, scabies, lice, skin ailments, colds, and congestion. Conditions that are easily treated.” These are the words of Dr. Rogy Masri, of Doctors Without Borders,...

WMNF’s Hot Box aka Best New Releases

WMNF’s Hot Box features the new releases that Randy Wind (WMNF Program Director) and Flea (WMNF Music Director) want you to hear. DJs at WMNF listen to a ton of music every week to prepare...

Sun Records – Where the Soul of a Man Never Dies

Legendary Sun Records spawned dirty gritty soulful rock'n'roll in the early 1950s, bringing together blues, country, juke, jive and piano banging music. Learn more about its early years.

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction On Life Elsewhere

Is Trumpy a bad dream? Are these bizarre primaries a fantastic illusion? After reading Chip Jacobs‘ book Strange As It Seems, you could easily believe the hallucinatory-like run-up to the Presidential election is really a figment of Chip’s imagination and...

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