

St. Pete could become the first city in Florida to enact a tenants’ right to legal counsel policy

As the Sunshine City continues to seek solutions to its unaffordable housing crisis, city leaders in St. Petersburg are exploring the idea of guaranteeing a right to legal counsel for local tenants facing eviction. This...

MidPoint: “The rent is too damn high!”

As the Florida legislature continues to pass and promote bills addressing non-issues such as 'woke education' and discussions of human sexuality, there is still a very real crisis that Florida is facing: housing. Inflation, increased...

WaveMakers: Jennifer Yeagley, CEO of the St. Petersburg Free Clinic

When it comes to fighting for equitable treatment and a healthier lifestyle, Jennifer Yeagley is at the forefront. She is the CEO of St. Petersburg Free Clinic, an organization helping to give everyone an opportunity...
Pinellas County list of cold weather shelters Jan 2022

Tampa Bay area cold weather shelters open Friday and Saturday nights

A list of Tampa Bay area cold weather shelters open during a January 2022 cold snap in Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties and beyond.

WaveMakers with Aaron Dietrich of St. Petersburg People’s Council

The Tampa Bay area is facing a housing crisis, with rent prices rising and citizens being forcefully evicted from their homes without another place to go. For the past year, the St. Petersburg People’s Council...
Homeless memorial St. Pete

St. Petersburg honors homeless people who died

A vigil for homeless people who died in Pinellas, took place as part of the 14th Annual National Homeless Persons Memorial Day.

More Questions Than Answers?

What happened? How did we get to where less than one percent have more wealth than everyone else in America combined? Why are so many people holding down jobs but living in their cars because...

“Homelessness In America And Beyond” on Morning Energy

Throughout the years, the United States (U.S.) has been affectionately called “The Land of Opportunity”. It is a country that many feel offers opportunities for personal growth and financial success if you are ambitious and...

He made millions in funeral business but died ‘pauper’ in Tampa. He was among 112 honored Monday.

The Portico in Tampa Monday held its annual homeless memorial service. The downtown Tampa arm of the Hyde Park United Methodist Church reads names of those who’ve died while homeless every year. This year’s list...
Scales of Justice Law

Gulfcoast Legal Services makes it easier for Manatee County residents to get birth certificates

Here is a link to many coronavirus resources It’s nearly impossible to get some types of government assistance without proper identification. But it’s difficult for many people to get an identification card because they don’t...
Tampa Food Not Bombs Dezeray Lyn homelessness homeless William Payton

Tampa groups feed hungry people while practicing social distancing in coronavirus era

Here is a link with many coronavirus resources More and more people are losing their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic and many of them need food and other services. Several local groups are organizing...

Legal Advice for Veterans on Appeals, Spousal Benefits, Burn Pits, Blue Water, Upgrading “Bad Papers”, Veterans Courts and the New Form System

Radioactivity with Rob Lorei Listen Here: Or follow this link and select 11/12/19 from the drop down menu: Intro: Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Yesterday was Veterans Day. Many people serve...

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