Walt Disney famously said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”
Although there are physiological and psychological aspects to dreaming, the dreams that Walt is referring to are the stories and images in our mind that we hope can be birthed into reality.
Walt Disney is one of many individuals who birthed their dreams into reality in a very profound and lasting way by creating a place where people could have fun.
Another individual whose dreams have had a lasting and profound impact on our lives is the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, who was one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. It would be 20 years later (in January of 1986) that Dr. King’s birthday would be celebrated as a federal holiday.
The pursuit of one’s dreams can sometimes be a long, dangerous, isolating and arduous journey. However, for some, the risk is worth it instead of living a life wondering what could have actually been.
On Morning Energy, we are going to spend time celebrating those who have chosen to dream big and also explore ways that we can begin dreaming bigger in our personal and professional lives.
Join me, Renna. on Friday from 4-6am for a very special musical journey about this very inspiring topic. And if you miss the live program, you can always listen to the weekly program for up to 7 days on the archives at https://www.wmnf.org/events/morning-energy/
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