

The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: Tues., October 24, 2023 Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

  Immigration status at hospitals During the last legislative session, state lawmakers passed legislation some believe disproportionately affects Florida Latinos. Two Tampa state representatives addressed these issues and others at a conference at the State...
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The Scoop: WMNF’s daily digest of news headlines for Monday, June 12th, 2023

LISTEN HERE: Trump supporters rally in Pinellas Several dozen supporters of former president Donald Trump rallied on land and sea near Madeira Beach, FL on Saturday to celebrate the former president’s upcoming 77th birthday, even...
guns gun violence die-in

28 students “die-in” outside Marco Rubio’s Tampa office to protest inaction on gun violence

At noon today 28 people – most of them high school students – laid silent and motionless on the sidewalk in front of the Federal Building in downtown Tampa. The demonstration in front of the...

Tampa Bay students will “die-in” to protest gun violence

This coming Tuesday is the second anniversary of the mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando; it’s also the date of coordinated “die-ins” across the country led by students enraged with the epidemic of...
Linda Moreno. Attorney for Noor Salman

Noor Salman was found not guilty; hear from her attorney

Noor Salman is the widow of the Pulse nightclub shooter and on Friday she was found not guilty of helping in the attack; on WMNF’s MidPoint we had an extended conversation with one of her...
supporter of Noor Salman

Activists say Noor Salman is innocent in Pulse shooting

The wife of the man who killed 49 people in 2016 at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando goes on trial next week. Noor Salman is charged with providing material support to a terrorist organization and...
Angel wings at Pulse shooting funeral

Pulse memorials planned for Tampa & St. Pete

Next week marks one year since the mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando; this Saturday in Tampa’s Ybor City, several groups are hosting a memorial for the Pulse victims. Aaron Munoz  is president...

Debate About the Gun Bills Being Proposed in Tallahassee

WMNF Radioactivity Jan 25 17 Good morning, Welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. When the legislature begins its annual two month session in March it will likely consider several gun bills—including bills to allow guns...

Queer Muslims — they exist

Queer Muslims exist; what’s it like to be LGBTQ and Muslim in the United States — and especially in Florida? Since a Muslim man — who  may have been gay and in the closet — killed 49...
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Tampa Bay SDS hosts Orlando shooting “speak out” at USF

University of South Florida students will remember the victims of the Orlando shooting with what they’re calling a “speak out” on Friday. It’s being organized by Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society. WMNF News...

Women’s Show Discusses Recovery in Orlando and TPP

By Arlene Engelhardt How are the people in Orlando doing? With the funerals, the memorials and the press conferences, the broken threads of life need to be restored to the fabric of the living –...
Angel wings at Pulse shooting funeral

Supporters shield Orlando Pulse shooting victim’s funeral from protesters

On Saturday members of the Westboro Baptist Church loudly protested the wake of one victim of the Pulse shooting in Orlando. But the anti-gay church members were met by counter-protesters who shielded grieving family members...

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