
Seán Kinane

Linda Saul-Sena and Stop TBX activist Mauricio Rosas

Tampa Council members want consultant to study TBX

Some members of Tampa City Council are so enraged at a proposed interstate highway expansion that would cut through neighborhoods that they want to hire a consultant to analyze its impacts. Council members met Thursday morning...
Bob Buckhorn

Buckhorn pushing for transportation vote and water reuse

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn is pushing for a county-wide transportation vote and for the city to use treated sewage water to augment drinking water supplies; those are two of the issues Buckhorn stressed during his...
Tampa City Council Mike Suarez Yvonne Yolie Capin

After 13 deadlocks and accusations of gesture Tampa City Council picks Suarez new Chair

It took fourteen contentious rounds of voting – and even accusations of a menacing gesture – but Tampa City Council now has a new chair: Mike Suarez. The vote matters because if Mayor Bob Buckhorn...
Weeki Wachee River

Hernando residents can learn about climate change

In the coming decades Florida residents will face increasing disruptions from climate change: hotter temperatures, more storms, tropical diseases, fresh water shortages and rising seas; Hernando County residents can learn about how their community might...
Sabal Trail route

Environmentalist concerned about Sabal Trail pipeline in Florida

Two of Florida’s largest energy companies want to build a pipeline for natural gas through the center of the state – but environmentalists say it could negatively impact wetlands and the state’s aquifer. The Gulf...
trans rights now

Trans rights supporters to protest Sarasota School Board

People in Sarasota supporting the rights of transgender students will rally Tuesday night outside the Sarasota County School Board meeting. Trans students and their allies want changes to the school districts policies on bathrooms and dress...
Bernie Sanders in Kissimmee, Florida. By Seán Kinane

Could new voter ID laws impact Wisconsin’s primary?

The Republican and Democratic presidential preference primaries are Tuesday in Wisconsin; the state could boost the chances of candidates challenging front-runners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. On MidPoint we spoke with Molly Stentz – she’s News and...
Anna Eskamani of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida

Planned Parenthood criticizes new Florida law

Florida Governor Rick Scott signed a bill last week that prohibits state funds from going to Planned Parenthood and adds new restrictions on abortions; it requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. Anna...
Kathy Castor

Tampa area Dems want Rubio and Senate to vote on SCOTUS nominee

Illinois Senator Mark Kirk is breaking with leaders of his Republican Party and meeting Tuesday with Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. Most Republican leaders say they won’t hold hearings or vote on Garland but Kirk is...
Apple iPhone / privacy

Chomsky, Snowden and Greenwald talk about privacy, terror

On MidPoint we heard part of a conversation about privacy and terrorism between Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowdon. Privacy, security and terrorism On Friday at the University of Arizona College of Behavioral Sciences in...
bicycles at Ft. DeSoto

FDOT seeks input on Coast-to-Coast trail

Florida is trying to complete a multi-use trail that would link St. Petersburg with the Canaveral National Seashore on the state’s east coast; the Florida Department of Transportation is organizing public meetings for input on...
cheese grater buildings st pete

Preservationists want to save St. Pete’s “cheese grater” buildings

Preservationists in St. Pete say they’re filing a landmark designation application Thursday to try to save two buildings in downtown; Peter Belmont, vice president of St. Petersburg Preservation, wants to stop the demolition of what are...

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