

Elizabeth Kramer Danya Zituni

The history of Florida’s anti-gay Johns Committee

Many people agree that the legacy of the Johns Committee is a dark stain on Florida’s history; it was a Cold War-era group that cracked down on gay and lesbian state employees including professors at...

USF students to rally in solidarity with Mizzou

On Thursday afternoon USF students will rally in support of students at the University of Missouri who have faced threats of violence after the school’s president and provost resigned in response to student protests; black students...
Bill Young

SDS continues push to rid USF of Bill Young’s name

Students for a Democratic Society in Tampa is continuing its campaign to get the University of South Florida to remove the name of a former member of Congress from the ROTC building on campus because...

Local Help & Events for Veterans plus a little History

Wednesday is Veteran’s Day, and there are several organizations stepping forward to help those who have served in the armed forces. There is a Free Dentistry Day at the Village Plaza Dental Designs, where veterans...
Jane Castor

Is there a connection between gun violence and mental illness?

After a mass shooting it’s common for analysts to examine the mental health of the suspect. But at a forum Friday hosted by the University of South Florida in Tampa, a behavioral sciences researcher downplayed...
Elizabeth Kramer Danya Zituni

Students want Bill Young’s name off USF building

Some University of South Florida students are circulating a petition online to change the name of a building on campus that’s named after a former member of Congress who was also part of the Johns...

Hillsborough trying to reduce violence in communities

Hillsborough County is looking at ways to cut down on violent crime by engaging communities. One way the Safe & Sound Hillsborough group has done that is by taking teens from the Grant Park Neighborhood...

Radioactivity looks at how refugees fare in Florida; Bernie Sanders’ speech at Liberty University

By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity, we look at the state of refugees that have resettled in Florida. Our guest is Patti Grogan, the head of Florida’s Refugee Services program , which helps over 5000 people annually...
sds logo

SDS Tampa supports Iran nuke agreement

Students for a Democratic Society Tampa supports the nuclear agreement hammered out between world powers and Iran. They’re organizing a sign-waving to support the deal next Tuesday at lunchtime on the campus of the University...
SJP protests Shlomo Brom

Retired Israeli general supports Iran nuclear deal

A retired Israeli Brigadier General told an audience at the University of South Florida in Tampa Thursday he supports the nuclear weapons agreement between Iran and the U.S. and other world powers. Shlomo Brom was part...
Kathy Castor at USF

Low-performing Pinellas schools prompts Castor letter to feds

Tampa-area Congress member Kathy Castor has written to the U.S. Department of Education asking them to look at how the Pinellas County School District is spending federal money that is supposed to go to schools...

Kathy Castor will announce position on Iran deal in week or two

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa) says she has not yet announced her position on the Iran nuclear agreement. At an unrelated event Wednesday morning at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Castor answered questions...

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