

farmworkers; Florida agriculture; farmworkers, coalition of Immokalee workers, ciw

How you can help Coalition of Immokalee Workers after Hurricane Irma

In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, we hear how the migrant farming community of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers has been affected; and we hear from Tampa Bay residents upset at their power companies. We took...

Tampa Bay post-Irma: updates on power and assisted-living facilities

The Florida Department of Transportation announced Thursday that I-75 will remain open, as Hurricane Irma flood waters have been receding on the Santa Fe River. As of Thursday morning, FDOT says their engineers and state...
Hurricane Irma. storm

Pinellas orders some evacuations for Hurricane Irma

On Thursday Pinellas County Commissioners approved mandatory evacuations for residents in zone Level A because of Hurricane Irma beginning Friday morning. Level A includes many coastal areas, mobile home residents and special needs residents who...

How Tampa Bay residents should prepare for Irma

As Florida prepares for Hurricane Irma, several Tampa Bay area school districts have announced school closings. Here are the districts that are closed Thursday and Friday: Hillsborough County Pinellas County Hernando County Here are the...
El'Quincy Gordon - bank called police on him

Bank employees call police on young black customer

Some social justice activists in Tampa are concerned about how a young black man was treated when he cashed a check at a local bank and the police were called. El’Quincy Gordon says he arrived...
Hurricane Harvey

Castor and Nelson on what if a Hurricane Harvey hits Tampa Bay?

On Thursday WMNF News asked U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) and U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa) how the Tampa Bay area should be preparing for the type of storm that has devastated Houston. Here is Nelson’s...
Kathy Castor Bill Nelson Children' Medical Services kid's health care

Nelson and Castor press HHS on Children’s Medical Services

Two years ago the state of Florida removed 13,000 children with special needs from a specialized health care program called Children’s Medical Services. Thursday in a press conference at Tampa International Airport U.S. Senator Bill...
Hurricane Harvey

Tampa mosque organizes Hurricane Harvey relief drive

A Tampa mosque and allied organizations are gathering supplies to bring to Hurricane Harvey survivors in Texas Thursday. Here’s the Facebook event page for the supply drive organized by the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay,...
primary election voting

Hear from all 6 St. Petersburg mayoral candidates

Update: Rick Kriseman and Rick Baker will face off in the general election for Mayor on November 7. In District Six, Justin Bean will face Gina Driscoll. The primary election in St. Petersburg is Tuesday....
Confederate memorial

Alex Sink on why she donated to help move Confederate monument

Last week the Hillsborough County Commission surprised many by backtracking on its promise to move a Confederate monument in downtown Tampa unless private donors could raise the needed funds within a month; but it only...

Vote delayed on massive Manatee County bay-front development

Manatee County Commissioners have again delayed a vote on a massive coastal development called Aqua by the Bay; the latest special land use meeting began at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday and lasted into the early evening,...
Sabal Trail pipeline and DAPL protest

Federal appeals court rejects Sabal Trail approval; decision could affect other pipelines

On Tuesday  a federal appeals court struck a blow to the Sabal Trail pipeline that carries natural gas for hundreds of miles through Florida; to find out how the decision could impact controversial pipelines across the...

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