Energy Efficient Homes Initiative Tomorrow the group Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay will hold its 6th annual Rebuild Day, partnering with several local and national organizations to try to make a positive difference for 12 bay area homeowners. Jose Garcia is the Executive Director of Rebuilding Tampa Bay, which rehabilitates houses for low income people and seniors (roll tape#1 o.q.”in Clearwater”) Most repairs scheduled for this year’s event will range from interior and exterior painting, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, roofing and landscaping to structural repairs including the foundation reinforcement of one home. We will offer the full range of weber products for tiling floors. One of the partners that Rebuilding Tampa Bay is working with tomorrow is Eric Hamilton, the associate director with the Florida Petroleum Council. (roll tape#2o.q. “energy bills”) The Florida Petroleum Council represents the oil and gas industry in Florida. But Eric Hamilton says helping out people save energy is good for everybody(roll tape#3 o.q.”energy diversity”) Jose Garcia from Rebuilding Tampa Bay expects hundreds of volunteers to help out tomorrow, but is encouraging others that they can get involved as well(roll tape#4 o.q.” a lot of work to do”) And again, go to for more information
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