
minimum wage

Floridians gather to protest senate bill exempting felons and workers under 21 from $15 minimum wage

Floridians gathered outside the St. Petersburg Office of State Sen. Jeff Brandes Tuesday to protest legislation that would exempt felons and workers under 21 from getting a $15 minimum wage. Opponents of the bill say...

Tampa business, Disco Dolls, joins coalition to raise minimum wage as support for Amendment 2 grows

A new poll from St. Leo University shows growing support for Amendment 2, to raise Florida’s minimum wage. Tampa’s own Disco Dolls Studio recently signed on to join Florida Business for a Fair Minimum Wage,...
John Morgan

Watch John Morgan’s speech in Ybor City

Orlando attorney John Morgan spoke Friday at the Cuban Club in Ybor City for the Tampa Tiger Bay Club. Morgan led a successful drive to add medical marijuana to the Florida Constitution in 2016. Morgan...

Americans oppose state preemption on guns & minimum wage: poll

Actions by a south Florida city could end up challenging a Florida law that prohibits local governments from enacting gun laws that are stricter than state laws; and a new nationwide poll suggests that Americans...
John Morgan Florida attorney governor 2018 election Suncoast Tiger Bay Club St. Petersburg

John Morgan: Florida tort reform let nursing homes “cook ’em alive” after Irma

Attorney John Morgan says he still has not decided if he’s going to run for Florida governor next year — he told the Suncoast Tiger Bay Club in St. Petersburg Wednesday that it depends on...

Unions fight for living wage for Disney workers

Thousands of unionized workers at Walt Disney World parks are negotiating for a wage increase and other benefits; and like what happened after previous wage hikes, the laborers hope that if they win a victory,...
Photo of John Morgan at Tiger Bay Club

John Morgan: “more likely than unlikely” to run for Florida Governor

Attorney John Morgan says he’s “more likely than unlikely” to run for Florida governor, but it doesn’t make sense to start running yet; Morgan spoke Friday afternoon at a Tampa Tiger Bay Club meeting in...
minimum wage Hardee's Andy Puzder

Tampa fast-food workers protest Trump pick for labor

The Senate hearings for Donald Trump’s nominee for labor secretary, Andy Puzder, will likely be delayed until February; but workers opposed to his confirmation still demonstrated outside a Hardee’s restaurant Thursday afternoon on West Hillsborough...
Fight for 15 minimum wage

Fight for $15 walk-outs in Tampa Bay

Low-wage workers across the country are protesting and even walking out of work Tuesday as part of what’s being called a “Nationwide Fight for $15 Day of Disruption.” At noon in St. Petersburg more than...

Radioactivity Monday:Workers plan a nationwide protest against low wages

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Monday we spent the hour talking with two local activists who are pushing for a 15-an-hour minimum wage and a union for low-wage workers. Bleu Rainer  is a fast-food worker and...

Cara Jennings’ new video: #StopRickScott

The woman who confronted Florida Governor Rick Scott in a coffee shop is back with a new video. After Cara Jennings yelled at Governor Scott about issues like limiting women’s access to health care, a...

Republican candidate for US senate Carlos Beruff says no to immigration from Middle East, raise in minimum wage

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Thursday, we continue a conversation from Tuesday with Carlos Beruff, one of 5 republican candidates running for Marco Rubio’s seat in the US senate. Beruff made some controversial comments earlier...

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